Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I survived 3 days of morning papers.and it really sucks,I totally hate it when I relate it to my future.3 hours of papers =my future?Life is not about exams,academics and how many A's.But I really felt so depressing and disappointed..I wish I have 8 GB memory.I looked at the questions..this is what I have studied,this one I can do.but ended up nothing like that.Seriously,the disappointment in urself is worst than the disappointments u felt in others.cause it's always so easy and forget.
I barely knew how to live.All I can do is rely on prayers.really..keep telling myself to keep holding on..have faith,keep believing in myself..but it's nver easy.never come to an edge of breaking down like this.and now I know how it felt.
A big thank you for all the wishes and prayers.It meant alot.
esp nana's "I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me'
and bumbum
and sis..I was thinking abt wht kind of results I will get after tuition.I asked sis do i have alternative?sis told me tht u never even try then u are making conclusion.I really appreciate that.thats wht keeps me going until now.really need to take a break and recharge!
have faith and keep holding on!

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